Lake Level Update from Joe Dion, District Board Chair
Link to the original 1976 lake level documents >
May 6, 2020
This update (link below) from Joe Dion, District Board Chair, includes the response received from the DNR after a request from Rep. Joan Ballweg's office. The inquiry was prompted by messages of concern from Buffalo Lake District members to Rep. Ballweg.
May 4, 2020
The DNR has been checking the level at the Montello dam, usually on Mondays and Thursdays. They check the gauge on the gate wall and make their adjustments. They should start raising to the summer level of 8.5 feet on May 30. The 8.5 feet is the maximum level.
The district has reached out to our attorney for an opinion as to what actions may be taken. When the board receives this information, we will pass the information to our members.
April 14, 2020
The WDNR is working in accordance with the 1976 agreement.
There was no adjustment made before the Easter weekend but on Monday, April 13, 2020 a large adjustment was made to the gates. As of Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 1 pm the water level was returned to 8.0 foot level.
We will continue to monitor the levels.
The Buffalo Lake District Board will be looking into any options that may be available to stabilize the lake levels.
You may want to contact your state representatives:
Sen. Luther Olsen at Sen.Olsen@legis.wisconsin.gov
Rep. Joan Ballweg at Rep.Ballweg@legis.wisconsin.gov